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2087 Katagami in the collection.
[Results 1 - 50

Zig Zag Cherry Branch

Vines and Leaves Large and Small

Graphic Peony over Stylized Stream or Mist

Autumn Grasses

Fine Vine in Fine Mist

Iris over Reversing Bands

Bats over Stripes

Zig Zag Cherry Blossoms

Stylized Stream and Objects Hanging from Ribbons

Bush Clover over Fine Stripes

Vines and Leaves like Weaving

Iris on Stream Plaid and Stripe

Passion Flower over Mist

Geese in Flight

Tiny Swallows in Field of Dynamic Lines

Iris in Swirls of Mist

Fine Bamboo

Dynamic Key Motif

Grapevine Silhouette over Fine Ogee

Peonie over Grid

Plaid Swallows over Undulations Stripe

Fine Bush Clover over Fine Grid

Vines and Leaves over Diagonal Check

Ikat Hoops over Field of Fine Rings and Stripes

Ikat Leaves over Ogee

Butterflies with Wheat

Art Nouveau Leaves

Iris in Lozenges over Stripes

Leaves Like Feathers

Modern Patchworks Like Stripes

Cherry and Magnolia on Fine Grid

Modern Geese over Clouds

Geometric Morning Glories

Suzuki Grass and Crescents

Peonie over Swirls and Stripes

Psychedelic Sculpture Stripe and Mum

Scenes in Circles in Mist

Dragonflies on Stripes as Mist

Tree Peonie Light and Dark

Dianthus and Stripes

Vines over Fines Stripes and Grid

Summer Flowers over Swirls of Mist

Cherry and Willow Blossoms

Vine Silhouette over Diagonal Stripe

Bats over Ogee

Swallows in Willow like Ogee

Plover on Stream

Stylized Mum

Eagles and Anchors