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2087 Katagami in the collection.
[Results 1051 - 1100

Ikat Fan Papers

Block Patchwork

Tie Dye Stars Reversing

Bamboo Leaf Clusters and Tie Dye

Sparrows in Flight in Bamboo

Bat Silhouettes over Directional Line Stripe


Bats with Friends of Winter

Bamboo Circles with Cherry and Bamboo

Stylized Swallows on Ogee


Ships and Decorated Panels

Bamboo Framed Check

Tie Dye Stars

Folding Fans and Fan Papers

Papers in Net

Sparrows in Flight with Willow Branches like Wind

Butterfly and Geometric Chrysanthemum

Storm Gods in Plum Blossoms with Pine

Snowflakes and Ogee with Bamboo and Sparrows

Tie Dye Stars Reversing

Butterflies over Flowers

Stylized Plover

Butterflies and Fan Papers Decorated with Butterflies

Bamboo and Swallows in Snow

Leaves over Ogee

Ikat Plover with Mist and Maple Leaves


Anchors and Chains Silhouette

Fine Passion Flower Chirashi

Stylized Flowers

Box Check with Variations

Decorated Geese over Maple and Stripes

Abstract Geese in Clouds

Masonry Check

Interlocking Squares forming Eight Point Stars

Dragons on Wind

Shadows Chirashi over Organic Stripe

Textured Band Stripes


Star Weave

Butterflies and Bamboo over weave

Fluffy Clouds of Chrysanthemum

Wood Grain Pattern

Fawn Spot Fans over Wheat

Bats and Parasols

Ikat Stripe with Suspended Hourglass

Paddle Fans over Flowering Vine

Dark Stripe