Rich Figures and Scenes
Medium Size — Typical size for a medium type is 11.5" x 13.5" Square Size — Typical sizes for a square type are 14.5" x 13.5"
Reversing Ground Composition — in a reversing ground stencil the pattern is composed from fields of opposite technique; light forms are carved into dark field which is then mirrored by dark forms suspended in light field. Often the two elements make a large overall pattern like a diagonal stripe.
Tie Bars Reinforcement — this stencil is reinforced with tie bars carved into the paper. The tie bars disappear in printing when a second stencil is used to erase the structures.
Subject — culture
Keywords — characters, chrysanthemum, geese, graphic line, Noh, ogee, parasol, peony, pine tree, stylized bark, tie bars, wheat